Float the Allegheny

The Silver Bells Parade will take place on Thursday, December 2, 2023 starting at 6:00pm.
Light up the night, hot cocoa, cookies, and SANTA!
Main Street and Jefferson Street Park in Salamanca.
To participate in the parade, please go the Seneca Salamanca Chamber of Commerce's website for forms and applications.
Celebrate the Holiday Season with a Living Nativity, complete with a camel, all in the Village. The Ellicottvilles Christmas Stroll was created in 1987 by a group of citizens who wanted to organize such an event in the village. After brainstorming over coffee, it was decided that they wanted a live nativity scene with children dressed as angels and shepherds, who walked around the village and met at the gazebo. There, the baby Jesus was presented and caroling presided.
The Cattaraugus County Pride Coalition announces it's 6th Pride event at Pride in the Park!
This is a fun event for all with music, entertainment, vendors, food, educational, LGBTQ+ owned businesses, artists and allies, and so much more. This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome to attend.
The event will be held at War Vets Park in Olean on Saturday, June 29th from 12pm until 4pm.
Through the generosity of the community businesses and organizations listed below, the City of Olean Youth Bureau & Recreation Department is offering free admission for public ice skating the following dates and times. There is a $3.00 skate rental fee.
Special appearance by Santa on December 24th from 12-2pm. Free admission, just a $3 rental fee. Sponsored by the Olean Rotary Club.
Santa Claus will be back in the Town of Olean at his cottage in Lincoln Park on December 13th from 5:30-8:30 pm.
Kids can leave letters for Santa in a mailbox outside his cottage created by families of the EvenStart program. Kids will also receive a small treat from Mrs. Claus!
The Challenger Learning Center announced the return of their popular space quiz event! Join in to test your space knowledge and also support a local organization. The event will feature a quiz with prizes for the winning team. You can participate in a team of 2-5 players.
Apart from the quiz, we will also have raffles with exciting prizes such as a Cutco Block, a $100 gift certificate from the Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce, a $50 AMC gift certificate, and more. You can still purchase raffle tickets even if you are not attending the event.
Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels Free Tours available on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Fridays of the month. No reservations necessary. Come and discover the beauty of the southern tier's Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels in Olean, NY. The 33 Munich-style windows are some of the finest domestically-produced windows in the nation. Pope Frances designated the church as a Minor Basilica on February 14, 2017 for its exquisite art, architecture and history. Group tours are also available by calling 716 372 4841.
Ring in the New Year with the Holiday Valley Groomer parade and spectacular fireworks. Family friendly party in the main Lodge. Approximate times: Groomer Parade on Cindy's Run at 11:15, torchlight parade at 11:30 then the fireworks show at 11:45, ending at midnight.
Come join Santa and Mrs. Claus as they officially light the town's holiday decorations! This festive Annual Santa Claus Lane Parade is held annually on the Friday after Thanksgiving and the traditional kick-off to the holiday season. Santa will be in attendance and light up thousands of lights in Lincoln Park and downtown Olean when he parades through town in celebration.
Below is a video that highlights the 2016 parade, from the Olean Times Herald, produced by Adam Miller.
Want to work off some of the turkey or treats; or just spend some time outdoors with other biking families? Join us as we take an evening ride along the Red House Bike Path. Meet at Camp Allegany at 6:15 pm with the ride starting at 6:30 pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult and wear a helmet. You do not have to have a fat bike for this ride, but you will need a headlamp or a bike light. Please, no balance bikes, or bikes with training wheels.
Gowanda is a a beautifully quaint community nestled among the hills surrounding Cattaraugus Creek and is coming together for a Christmas Celebration. Come help start off the holiday season downtown with local merchants, train rides all day, Annual tree lighting ceremony, Holiday Spirit Parade and a festive atmosphere for the whole family. Of course we can not forget that Santa and all his helpers will be there to help us celebrate this joyous time of year! Mark your calendars!