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Submitter's Information
This email address will not be listed online but used to contact you by tourism staff (Enchanted Mountains / Catt. County).
This phone number will not be listed online but is used to contact the submitter.
Physical address of location
Use this to geocode your search location.
Latitude & Longitude
Specify the focus of this image in the form "leftoffset,topoffset" where offsets are in percents. Ex: 25,75
After uploading your image you will need to click on the image to select the focal point, i.e. the most important part of the photo.
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64 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
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Category Terms
General Attributes
Is there a doorway to access the location and is it at least 32" wide (36" width recommendation)? The front door handle should be easy-to-grasp, single lever, and operable with one hand.
Does the place accept Credit Cards?
Does this location offer internet access?
Does this location offer free wireless internet access?
Is there parking to accommodate an RV?
Does this location have parking for a bus or motor coach?
Does this location have a Playground?
What bodies of water are there to swim in at this location? Please note that personal responsibility is key when go swimming: Be safe, practice caution, and if anything, leave the swimming spot a little better than you found them (be sure to carry out any trash you may find).
Does this location have an indoor pool?
Does this location have an outdoor pool?
Does the location have a Boat Launch or Boat Dock?
Does this location have outdoor dining?
Venue Information
Is this place great for conferences, meetings, and banquets?
Is this place great for a wedding?
What is this place's largest capacity?
Meetings, Conferences, Banquets, and Weddings
Accommodation Information
Are their rooms with air conditioning?
Is there a bar or lounge in this lodging location?
What type of breakfast is served at this location when you are a customer?
Is there a camp store?
Does this location have a fireplace?
Is there a fitness center or gym at this location?
How does the location heat the accommodations?
Are Hot Tubs / Spas available?
Are kitchenettes available?
Does this location have laundry facilities?
Does this location have a propane station?
Do the rooms have a refrigerator?
Does the location have showers / shower facilities?
Do the guestrooms have TVs?
Does the location have access to toilets / toilet facilities?
Total number of camping sites
Number of tent-only camping sites
How many sites offer electric hookups?
Number of camping sites that accommodate an RV
How many cabins or cottages are at this location?
How many cabins or cottages have electrical hookups?
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Revision information
Briefly describe the changes you have made.