New Year's Eve Liquor Mile & 5K

Join Ellicottville Distillery as they celebrate the last day of 2023 with their annual "Liquor Mile" at on Sunday December 31st!
Distillery opens and registration for runners starts at 11am. Run starts at 12pm. It is $25 a runner to enter the 5k followed by the Liquor Mile which is $15. $35 fee if you are planning on doing both the 5K & Liquor Mile.
All proceeds will be donated to Oishei Children’s hospital.
After every quarter of a mile you get a miniature cocktail! 1 mile run + 4 drinks!
Night Lights at Griffis Sculpture Park

Free Fishing Day in NY!

The NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation is hosting a FREE fishing day on February 17-18, June 29-30, September 28, and November 11th. There’s no fishing license required on those days for the fresh or marine waters of New York State, making it the opportune time for people of all ages to learn and enjoy the day. We especially encourage those with more experience to bring along the young people in your life to show them the value of patience, the anticipation of the bite and the exhilaration of the catch!
Cattaraugus County Sportsmen's Rendezvous 2024

Christmas in Ellicottville 2023

One of the best ways to describe the downtown of Ellicottville has been as something Norman Rockwell would have conjured up. The New York Times says it is like being “transported to a scene from an old black and white Christmas movie.” Kick off the Holiday Season with us! Christmas in Ellicottville Weekend is back and will be merrier than ever!
Enjoy horse drawn carriage rides, real reindeer, kids Christmas crafts, cookie decorating and more all at no cost to you in the spirit of the holiday season!
Crist Restaurant at Central Lanes
38th Annual Strawberry Festival

2024 Silver Bells Holiday Show

Night Lights at Griffis Sculpture Park

Girls & Ghouls Slumber Party at The Wildwood Sanitarium!