Deer Lick Conservation Area
Little Valley Riders Club Trails
All levels, from beginner to advanced trail riders.
Varies from easy to moderate to rocky.
There are maps to promote trail riding on your own, in loops of 1, 2, or 3 hours; and for the more adventurous, you can ride all day.
24 camper spots available with hook-ups and 50+ spots without hook-ups, call (716) 969-7390 for reservations.
Large area available for all types of parking.
Cattaraugus County Geology Trail
Many people are surprised to hear of the natural wonders that can be found less than an hour south of the great Niagara Falls in the quiet, rural Cattaraugus County. Rock cities, ancient glacial valleys, vertical-cliffed gorges, and continental divides are just a few of the sights one may see on a day trip through the area.
New Seneca-Iroquois National Museum Opens 2018
Cultural Center on the Allegany Reservation preserves sacred artifacts, expands Native educational programs, features a 3-D printing lab and the first Longhouse built in two centuries.
"Bah-maste" - Goat Yoga at Canticle Farm 2020
Yoga is the best exercise to connect our mind, body and soul. It helps us get to our natural state allowing our minds to be at peace.
Learn about the Seneca-Iroquois History
The Onöhsagwë:dé Cultural Center is an impressive facility that houses the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum.
The interactive and informational exhibits tell the history of the Seneca, from the Creation Story to present day.
While there are opportunities to touch and listen to certain components of the exhibits, tours are also available and highly recommended.